20th Universary

Today would have been my 20th wedding anniversary.

Over the past couple of days, I have been pondering how I feel about it, and I have found nothing. There are no tears. There is no sadness. I feel nothing. It is just a quiet fact. 

So, today, I am celebrating ten years of singlehood. I celebrate the woman I have become. I celebrate being able to heal. I celebrate the fact I have fallen in love and had my heart broken again and again and again. I celebrate the fact that my heart works, and I’m still open to sharing it with someone again – someday.

Today, I celebrate ME.


2 thoughts on “20th Universary

  1. Sarah says:

    My friend (that’s how I think of you, even though we’ve never met and maybe never will), thank you for continuing to post here. Please don’t ever stop. Your guide was a beacon for me when I was the most lost that I have ever been. My 3rd Universary passed this year, and I wish I could say it was a quiet fact. This post inspired and comforted me today. Thank you, again and again.

  2. sherrie2 says:

    I like that! Thank you for sharing and being open. I resonate with a lot of what you have shared over the years. Keep sharing it’s healing to many…


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